V Simpósio Sobre os Paradigmas do Ensino do Instrumento

V Symposium on the Paradigms of Teaching Musical Instruments in the 21st Century



: School of Music and Scenic Arts Federal University of Goiás Goiânia-Brazil

: April 18 - 20, 2017

Considered one of the few forums concerning research relating to the overall topic of teaching musical instruments in today’s world in view of the future, the V STMI - Symposium on the Paradigms of Teaching Musical Instruments in the 21st Century reaches a new level in its mission of disseminating international research on the area of the musical instrument. While its previous editions (2009, 2011, 2013, 2015) were held at the University of Évora in Portugal, the V STMI will take place at the Federal University of Goiás in Goiânia-Brazil, thus continuing to open its doors to the international community.

As in its previous editions, the relevance of STMI continues to be centered on the mismatch between what is taught in music and contemporary production. A good example of this is generally found in music education, and in particular the teaching of musical instruments. Many techniques, methods and repertoire which are used today for teaching an instrument are the same that were used over one hundred years ago. Conscious that music education institutions - as any institution - tend to react slowly to changes and progress of the overall music creation outside the academia, we need to constantly measure our educational tools, so that what we truly teach represents where we come from and prepares and envisions artistic possibilities for the future. In order to discuss and contextualize these issues, the V STMI welcomes article presentations related to the topic of instrument teaching covering three broad chronological periods: (1) an overview of the past, (2) the present, and (3) the future. Thus, for each of these chronological periods, work can be presented from different areas of research, such as: historical musicology, performance practice, composition/repertoire, pedagogy (e.g. methods and techniques; the teaching of ‘old’ or new instruments), 'new musicology' (e.g. gender studies and ‘new’ music styles; jazz, pop, world), and music technology.


Keynote Speaker:

Jane Ginsborg, Royal Northern Conservatory of Music, UK


Relevant information and deadlines:


-Official languages of the Symposium are Portuguese, English and Spanish

-Article presentation proposals (20 min.) containing title, name of author(s), small bio(s), and abstract (max. 350 words), should be sent in a Word document until January 20th 2017 to stmi@uevora.pt

-Acceptance of proposals will be announced by January 29th

-Registration of accepted proposals will take place between February 13-17  upon payment of a registration fee of R$ 100 (reais) .

-Further information and details will be announced in due time in this site

-General inquires: stmi@uevora.pt


Symposium Chair:

Eduardo Lopes (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil/University of Évora, Portugal)



CESEM – Sociology and Musical Aesthetics Research Centre (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - UNL, Portugal)

EMAC – School of Music and Scenic Arts (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil)


Organising Committee:

Ana Guiomar Rêgo Souza (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil)

Carlos Henrique Costa (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil)

Eduardo Lopes (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil/University of Évora, Portugal)

Werner Aguiar (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil)


Scientific Committee:

Ana Guiomar Rêgo Souza (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil)

Anselmo Guerra (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil)

António Vasconcelos (Setúbal Superior School of Education, Portugal)

Benoît Gibson (University of Évora, Portugal)

Eduardo Lopes (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil/University of Évora, Portugal)

Francisco Monteiro (Porto Superior School of Education, Portugal)

Glacy Antunes (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil)

Helena Rodrigues (New University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Maravillas Diaz (Basque Country University, Spain)

Paulo Vaz de Carvalho (University of Aveiro, Portugal)

Roberto Perez (Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, Portugal)

Tereza Raquel Alcântara-Silva (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil)

Vanda de Sá (University of Évora, Portugal)

Vasco Negreiros (University of Aveiro, Portugal)